Many people believe that in order to get a divorce, it's mandatory to share the couple's assets, which often becomes an obstacle to formalizing the separation of the former couple, due to the high costs of court and notary fees.
However, this is not necessary. Although they are related situations, they are legally different institutes. Therefore, it is possible to file a divorce petition in court, without making any type of division of assets or establishing spousal support.
Another possibility that many people are unaware of is that a judicial divorce can be carried out with the division of assets, but without the need to transfer the assets to the property registry. This way, the parties will be legally responsible for determining what will be their due, but without the need to pay the fees for changing ownership.
In fact, many ex-couples choose to only make the transfer when they are going to sell the properties to third parties, thus generating savings on notary fees and transfer taxes.
If you would like to request a quote regarding a long-distance divorce, click here .
If you would like to schedule an appointment and be seen by a lawyer specializing in international family law, click here.
